Medication Disposal Program

Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet with Discovery Pharmacy

Do you have expired or unused medication? Proper disposal is important as old medications are considered hazardous waste. Whether prescription or over the counter, the Discovery Pharmacy can help you dispose of your expired and unused medication for your own safety and for better environmental stewardship.

  • Prescription and non-prescription medications in pill, liquid, cream, or powder form

  • Inhalers

  • Epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPen)

  • Suppositories

  • Natural health products such as vitamins and herbal remedies

What to do:

  • Leave any liquids, creams, or powders in their original packaging.

  • Place any pills together in a bag.  Discovery Pharmacy will do its best to recycle any containers that you bring in.

  • Remove any personal identifiers. 

  • If you have sharps, Discovery Pharmacy will provide you with a personal disposable container (compliant with disposal regulations) to return sharps to the pharmacy safely. 

  • Drop off your items at our pharmacy location during open hours. No appointment is necessary.

Keep trace pharmaceuticals out of the environment and prevent misuse by disposing of your medications properly at Discovery Pharmacy.  If you have any questions, please give us a call at 416-946-5054.

For a limited time, anyone dropping off medications will receive a free mini health kit.

Learn more

Check out these helpful resources regarding safe disposal of medication.